Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Meet the cast

So I already warned you that this blog won't be in chronological order.  This is my disclaimer.  And I'm pretty sure the grammar and spelling won't be perfect either...

So it just occured to me that I should introduce you to the fam since I managed to already introduce you to the dog.

Ryan aka my husband, super hubby, honey, Daddy and stud.  He's gonna shoot me when he sees this.  Oh well.  He is the master mind and laborer with all of our projects.  Sickly talented and self-taught.  He just figures stuff out as we go.... Amazes me constantly.  Eat your heart out, folks!

Our boys:  Evan and Jace.  Evan is 4 and Jace is 7. 
We also refer to them as pork chop and chicken wing.
That's me on the left.
And..... most importantly The House.  This house was built by close family friends that I grew up knowing as my grandparents.  The baby shower for my mom when she was pregnant with yours truly was held in my current day living room.  As we keep rolling on through the blog, I will reveal to you many fun little tidbits on some of the history of the house.  Like the fact that I live in the house where my baby shower was.  I think that's pretty awesome so you should too.

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