Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fun Fact # 1

I promised you early on that throughout my blogging journey, I would reveal fun little tidbits and some history of our house.

So a hundred years ago when I was a college kid, Grandma and Grandpa would travel a lot and go on month-long trips to Alaska, Colorado and who knows where else.  And guess who they would have house sit? 

And guess who would house sit and promise not to have parties but would have 'small gatherings' in lieu of parties?

WRONG!  It was me!!

Hey - they told me I could have a few friends over, so there!

Anyways, I would have these small gatherings and one time, this super hot guy came to one of them and we ended up ALONE in the kitchen together....  And, Oh-Em-Gee, we kissed! 

Right here:

Oh, and guess who the super hot guy was?!?!?!?!

Yeppers, Ryan aka super hubby.  Yes, ladies and ladies (for some reason I highly doubt any gentlemen read this blog but if I'm wrong - please feel free to correct me because I love being corrected.  It's my favorite.  I digress.  Jeez, did I mention I have a short attention span?  I seriously wonder if I don't have some condition because I go off on tangents.  A lot.  Like now.... is this where I put my second parenthesis thingy? )

Yes, PEOPLE, Ryan and Milissa had there very first kiss in their future kitchen.  Circa... I have no idea.

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